栏目:推荐 来源:中山+ 中山市海外传播中心 发布:2024-06-18


HK Youth Opened a Coffee Shop
in His Hometown, Zhongshan

For Mark, who grew up in Hong Kong, Zhongshan is not only his hometown but also the starting point of his coffee dream. During the eight years of his relocating in Zhongshan, Mark has not only experienced the city's livable environment and harmonious social atmosphere but also opened his own coffee shop in Sanxiang Town and achieved excellent results in various coffee competitions.

【制作】中山日报 中山市海外传播中心
【摄影/后期】盖刘宝 罗杨鸿
【翻译/校对】甘颖 饶梅芳
【设计】陈思理 罗心敏
【素材提供】夏升权 黄艺杰 缪晓剑

编辑  甘颖  二审  杨骐玮  三审 岳才瑛

