栏目:推荐 来源:中山+ 中山市海外传播中心 发布:2024-05-14

近日,第十二届世界中山同乡恳亲大会首次落地中南美洲,本期“湾区青年拉美行”  特别报道组成员准备由墨西哥前往哥斯达黎加。他们惊奇地发现,“滴滴”在墨西哥不是打车软件,而是用来点外卖的,就算游客不懂西班牙语,还是可以看图下单。在点外卖的过程中,他们用即时翻译软件来跟外卖小哥沟通,外卖送达的速度比想象中要快。成员们点了塔可饼,他们用薄饼裹上馅料,“塔可饼口感绝佳,吃一个太满足了。”

Recently, the 12th Worldwide Zhongshan Association Convention is held in Central and South America for the first time. The members of the special reporting team for this issue, “GBA Youth in Latin America,” are preparing to travel from Mexico to Costa Rica. They were surprised to find that “Didi” in Mexico is not a ride-hailing app but a platform for ordering food delivery. Even if tourists don’t understand Spanish, they can still place orders by those pictures on Didi. During the process of ordering food, they used instant translation apps to communicate with the delivery drivers, and the speed of delivery was faster than expected. The members ordered tacos and wrapped the fillings in thin tortillas. “The taco tastes great, and it is so satisfying.”

【出品】中山市海外传播中心  中山市留学人员联谊会
【策划/统筹】陈慧 廖薇 隋胜伟
【编导】廖薇 实习生 汪羽涵
【后期】实习生 汪羽涵

编辑  甘颖  二审  廖薇  三审 向才志

