Discover Zhongshan丨深中通道今日通车,激活湾区发展新动能
栏目:推荐 来源:中山+ 中山市海外传播中心 发布:2024-06-30

ShenZhong Link's Opening Today
Unleashes Momentum
for GBA development

On June 30, the ShenZhong Link is officially open to traffic, cutting the travel time between Shenzhen and Zhongshan from about 2 hours to 30 minutes. Starting today, intercity buses and  shuttle buses between the Zhongshan Terminal and the Shenzhen airport will be launched simultaneously. The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Aviation Port will be put into use, and the Zhongshan-Kaiping Expressway will be open to traffic. This will not only facilitate and intensify the daily travels of residents on both sides of the Pearl River Estuary but also accelerate the process of the integrated development in the GBA.


As a brand new cross-sea shortcut connecting both sides of the Pearl River Estuary, the ShenZhong Link is linked with multiple expressways on the east and west banks, contributing to the acceleration of the formation of the "one-hour economic circle in the GBA ". The connection between the cities on the east bank, such as Shenzhen, Huizhou, Dongguan, and those on the west bank, such as Zhongshan, will also become even closer.


This is a bridge that facilitates connectivity within a golden inland bay. For Zhongshan, the ShenZhong Link brings it closer to Shenzhen, playing an irreplaceable role in undertaking industrial transfers, acquiring development resources and enhancing the city’s comprehensive capabilities. The combination of Shenzhen's innovation and Zhongshan's smart manufacturing is truly a perfect match.


【视频拍摄】黄艺杰 易承乐 刘万杰 缪晓剑 盖刘宝 徐钧钻  胡超超
【视频后期】黄艺杰 易承乐

编辑  甘颖   二审 谢琼  三审 林志强



原创 13891人浏览   2024-06-30