Discover Zhongshan|一眼千年, 埃及小哥“艳遇”汉服派对迎新年
栏目:海外传播 来源:中山+ 中山市海外传播中心 发布:2025-01-07

A Hanfu Party to
Celebrate the New Year







 女士们的妆容服饰也是现场一大亮点。组织者别出心裁,以“汉洋折衷”风格为主题,邀请赴会者发挥创意,以汉服搭配欧式卷发、礼帽、手提包、耳环等现代物品,实现西洋时尚与传统国风的精彩碰撞。“我也从中感受到中国文化的包容性。” 龙煜说。



“据我所知,中国春节将近,像这样富有传统又有趣的活动还在中山很多地方举行,我希望借此机会,多了解中山,认识更多新朋友。” 龙煜充满期待地说。

通过这次活动,Tito认识了一些新朋友。    刘万杰 摄


A Hanfu Party to
Celebrate the New Year

How can a fashion show help you explore China's 3,000-year culture?  In the afternoon of January 5,2025, Tito, an Egyptian living in Zhongshan was invited to attend the annual party of the Zhongshan Han-Nationality Culture Promotion Association. He met a stunning display of ancient armors there. He said it was fascinating to see how cool and intricate the ancient Chinese battle armors truly were.

In addition to the clothing that shows masculinity, the beauty of Hanfu for women is equally astonishing. This time, the designers went a step further by creatively blending traditional Chinese aesthetics with

Western cultural elements, allowing Tito to feel the inclusiveness and richness of Chinese culture.

At the event site, one can also experience Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) Creative Products such as paper - cutting, velvet flowers, tangled flowers, and ancient - style purses.   

Tito was told that, with the Chinese Spring Festival approaching, events like this are held in various places throughout Zhongshan. I’m excited to learn more about this vibrant city and to meet more new friends along the way.

统筹:廖薇 谢琼
编导/采写:记者 廖薇  
翻译:记者 廖薇  实习生 周欢
校对:廖薇 饶梅芳 

视频:记者 刘万杰 
图片:中山市汉文化促进会 刘万杰

编辑   廖薇  二审  杨骐玮  三审  向才志
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