栏目:海外传播 来源:中山+ 中山市海外传播中心 发布:2024-12-21

▲Live Fish from Zhongshan to Macao
in Just Two Hours


At 3:00 AM in Gangkou, Zhongshan, Jerry, an Australian who has settled in Zhongshan, is standing before China's largest fresh aquatic product production base for Macao, ready to embark on a unique journey. From here, a live fish will make its way from a fishpond in Zhongshan to a dining table in Macao in just a few hours. This journey is not just a logistics process, but a vivid example of the deep collaboration among the cities of the Greater Bay Area.

▲在中山水出港口铺锦水产养殖基地,工作人员正在筛选合规格的家鱼。记者 黄艺杰 摄


Zhongshan and Macao were part of Xiangshan County historically. According to incomplete statistics, around 150,000 Zhongshan natives now live in Macao. Even before Macao’s return to China, Zhongshan was a key supplier of agricultural products to Macao. Twenty-five years ago, on December 20, 1999, the Chinese government restored its sovereignty over Macao, ushering the city into a new phase of development.


Today, Jerry will follow “a fish” to see how it makes its way from a fishpond in Zhongshan to the dining tables in Macao.


Zhongshan, located at the junction of saltwater and freshwater, boasts rich aquatic resources with an annual output value exceeding 9 billion yuan. Known for safety, abundance, and efficiency, the live aquatic products make up about 70% of Macao's market. For example, Zhongshan Shuichu Group (Zhongshan Foodstuffs & Aquatic IMP. & EXP. Group Co. Ltd.), which operates this fishpond, has been supplying freshwater fish to Macao and Hong Kong for nearly 70 years, offering varieties like the crispy grass carp (a Zhongshan specialty), bighead carp, and mud carp.


The transportation, however, is far from simple. To ensure the quality, they must undergo multiple rounds of inspections by the company, customs, and other authorities before entering the market. To streamline this, Zhongshan Customs has established a green channel for the inspection of perishable agricultural products. Once the inspection is complete, we will issue an Animal Health Certificate. With this certificate, live fish from China’s mainland can be cleared by customs in Macao swiftly.

▲在中山水出港口铺锦水产养殖基地,中山海关人员现场抽查家鱼。记者 黄艺杰 摄


When the truck loaded with live fish arrives at Gongbei Port, a long line of vehicles has already been waiting for clearance. The entire process for vehicles, from customs declaration to border exit, takes only five minutes at its fastest. In a short while, these fresh products will be available in markets across Macao. 

▲中山鱼运抵澳门卸货现场。记者 黄艺杰 摄


Zhongshan is home to more than a dozen of enterprises supplying goods to Macao. Since Macao's return to China 25 years ago, a large volume of essential goods has been supplied to Macao under the supervision of Zhongshan Customs, including around 400,000 live pigs, 105,000 tons of aquatic products, and 285,000 tons of fresh vegetables.


After being distributed by wholesalers at 7:30 AM, the live fish from Zhongshan are now waiting to be sold at the S. Lourenco Market in Macao. Jeffrey, Jerry's friend, a Zhongshan native and a captain at Air Macao, has kindly invited him to his home to try some home-cooked flavors. He introduces Jerry to the unique way of preparing this fish and warmly invites him to taste it together.

▲杰瑞的朋友林家全(右),邀请杰瑞品尝家乡鱼的独特做法。记者 黄艺杰 摄

▲一条新鲜的活鱼从中山的鱼塘“游”到了澳门的餐桌上。记者 黄艺杰 摄


Through this unique journey, Jerry has witnessed the deep integration of the cities within the Greater Bay Area. In just a few hours, a live fish can travel from a fishpond in Zhongshan to a dining table in Macao. He believes the story of Macao and Zhongshan will continue to unfold.

【总策划】伍学标 李庆辉
【策划/统筹】谢琼  杨骐玮  廖薇
【翻译/校对】实习生 周欢  
【拍摄鸣谢】部分素材由@Jerry Grey 提供

编辑  甘颖  二审 谢琼  三审 吴森林

