Difference between Applying for Work Visa Domestically and Internationally
栏目:海外传播 来源:中山+ 中山市海外传播中心 发布:2024-11-28

Difference between Applying for Work Visa
Domestically and Internationally


Donald is curious about the difference between applying for work visa domestically and Internationally. Alan, the AI Anchor of ZICC, told Donald,  "Let's take a look at the requirements for applying for work permits at home and abroad first."

Foreigners abroad need to complete the process of applying for a “notification letter of foreigner's work permit in China”, applying for work visa (Chinese embassies and consulates abroad), entry with Z visa, applying for work permit, and applying for work residence permit. 

Foreigners already in China who meet certain conditions can directly apply for domestic permits. The process includes “applying for work permits and residence permits for work” or “applying for notification letter of foreigner's work permit in China, applying for work permits, and applying for residence permits for work”. 

It should be noted that applicants who do not meet the criteria for directly applying for a foreigner work permit but have already entered China must still follow the procedures of apply for the "notification letter of foreigner's work permit in China”.


In general, the materials required for applying for a work visa are largely the same for both domestic and overseas applicants. If the foreigner is outside China, obtaining a certificate of no criminal record may be more convenient, and overseas document authentication can be done personally. For foreigners who have already in China, obtaining and certifying documents from overseas may be more inconvenient. When applying for a work visa, foreigners should choose the appropriate application method based on their actual situation and needs and keep an eye on policy updates and local requirements to ensure a smooth and compliant application process.

【出品】 中山市海外传播中心 中山英文网
【统筹】 刘捷 廖薇
【编导】潘晓佳 胡荻莊
【视频摄制】赖玮彤 潘晓佳
【翻译/校对】廖薇 李靖 甘颖
【出镜/母语审读】 Donald Kepple
【素材来源】中山日报  中山网

编辑  甘颖  二审  廖薇 三审 陈浩勤

