AI+LIFE HACKS|What Is 144-hour Visa-free Transit?
栏目:海外传播 来源:中山+ 中山市海外传播中心 发布:2024-11-25


Donald wonders what is 144-hour Visa-free Transit? Alan, the AI Anchor of ZICC, told Donald that the 144-hour visa-free transit policy allows citizens from specific countries to stay in designated cities for up to 144 hours (i.e. 6 days) without a visa when transiting through China, provided they hold a valid international travel document and connecting tickets to a third country/region with a confirmed date and seat for departure within 144 hours. During this period, they can engage in short-term activities such as traveling and temporary business visiting. The 144-hour visa-free transit policy applies to citizens of 54 countries, including countries under the Schengen Visa Agreement in Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, and others.


Meanwhile, the 144-hour visa-free transit policy covers many entry-exit ports in China, including Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport and Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport in Guangdong. The policy is also implemented in international airports in major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu. These ports provided travelers from around the world with more convenient and flexible options for entry and exit, further promoting international exchanges and cooperation between China and other countries.

【出品】中山市海外传播中心 中山英文网
【统筹】刘捷 廖薇
【编导】潘晓佳  胡荻莊
【视频摄制】赖玮彤 潘晓佳
【翻译/校对】廖薇 李靖 甘颖
【出镜/母语审读】 Donald Kepple
【素材来源】中山日报  中山网

编辑  甘颖  二审  廖薇 三审 查九星

