老外探访“美丽经济”| 你用的面膜可能来自这里!
栏目:海外传播 来源:中山+ 中山市海外传播中心 发布:2024-11-05


Expat Experiences "Beauty Economy" : 
The facial masks popular
among girls all over the world
might come from here!

Zhongshan was awarded the title of “Cosmetics Capital of China” as early as 2008. Many of the facial masks, toothpaste, lip balm, and various beauty products we often use are possibly "Made in Zhongshan"! Join Anna from Russia in exploring the “beauty economy” of Zhongshan.

【统筹】谢琼 廖薇

【翻译】甘颖 陈炽明

编辑  甘颖  二审 孙俊军 三审 林志强

