AI+LIFE HACKS|Discovering ZS Delicacies
栏目:海外传播 来源:中山+ 中山市海外传播中心 中山英文网 发布:2024-10-21

Discovering ZS Delicacies
Much More Than You'd Expect!


Let’s have a culinary adventure of local Zhongshan food. Zhongshan has much more to eat than just roast pigeon.When it comes to Zhongshan snacks, how can we not mention Sanxiang Rice-flour Noodles? Renowned for its silky smoothness and tasty soup base, Sanxiang Rice-flour Noodles are made from high-quality rice and are served with carefully cooked broth, complemented by roast goose, barbecued pork, fried garlic and other savory ingredients. Every bite is a symphony of freshness and satisfaction!


Moving on to traditional famous dishes, Shaxi Braised Pork is a must-try for your friends. This dish features top-grade streaky pork, which is cooked until tender and succulent, and is steamed with taro and other ingredients, allowing the aroma of the meat and seasonings to blend perfectly. When served, the braised pork boasts a bright red color, yet it's neither greasy nor heavy. It melts in your mouth, and when paired with a bowl of steamed rice, it's absolutely delectable!

【出品】 中山市海外传播中心 中山英文网
【统筹】 刘捷 廖薇
【编导】潘晓佳  胡荻莊
【视频摄制】赖玮彤 潘晓佳
【翻译】廖薇 李靖
【出镜/英文校对】 Donald Kepple
【素材来源】中山日报  中山网

编辑   李靖  二审  廖薇  三审 陈慧

