AI+LIFE HACKS|Xiaolan Chrysanthemum Feast
栏目:海外传播 来源:中山+ 中山市海外传播中心 中山英文网 发布:2024-10-29

Xiaolan Chrysanthemum Feast


The temperature is finally starting to drop recently. We’re starting to feel autumn approaching.

Autumn is the perfect season for the Xiaolan chrysanthemum feast! Xiaolan, hailed as the "City of Chrysanthemum," has had an inseparable bond with the flower since ancient times. Every autumn, when chrysanthemums are in full bloom, local people of Xiaolan ingeniously blend this beauty of nature with their cuisine to create the unique chrysanthemum feast!

【出品】 中山市海外传播中心 中山英文网
【统筹】 刘捷 廖薇
【编导】潘晓佳  胡荻莊
【视频摄制】赖玮彤 潘晓佳
【翻译】廖薇 李靖
【出镜/英文校对】 Donald Kepple
【素材来源】中山日报  中山网

编辑  廖薇 二审   杨骐玮 三审 陈浩勤


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