AI+LIFE HACKS|Welcome to the Hometown of Sun Yat-sen 
栏目:海外传播 来源:中山+ 中山市海外传播中心 中山英文网 发布:2024-10-06

Welcome to the Hometown
of Sun Yat-sen 


With the opening of the ShenZhong Link, it's become much more convenient for people from the Greater Bay Area to visit Zhongshan! Donald’s friends from Shenzhen want to spend a day in Zhongshan during the holiday. They’re really hoping to see the hometown of Dr Sun Yat-sen. Alan, the AI Anchor of ZICC, suggests them to go to Dr Sun Yat-sen's former residence in Cuiheng village and the rice fields in Yakou Village. They can also have a taste of Yakou specialties like wontons, claypot rice and seafood to explore the beauty of local Zhongshan flavours!

【出品】 中山市海外传播中心 中山英文网
【统筹】 刘捷 廖薇
【编导】潘晓佳  胡荻莊
【视频摄制】赖玮彤 潘晓佳
【翻译】 李靖  廖薇
【出镜/英文校对】 Donald Kepple
【素材来源】中山日报  中山网

编辑   李靖  二审  廖薇  三审  林志强

