栏目:海外传播 来源: 中山市海外传播中心 发布:2024-09-17

中秋节是中国人合家团圆的日子,除了吃月饼,中国人还会制作花灯,庆祝节日的到来。英国人Joe 和一群中国的小朋友,来到中山的小榄,体验中秋的喜庆氛围,来,一起跟着Joe 过中秋节。

The Mid-Autumn Festival has arrived. It's a time for family reunions. Besides the tradition of eating mooncakes, Chinese people also make lanterns to celebrate the festival. Joe, who is from England, along with a group of Chinese children, have come to Xiaolan in Zhongshan to experience the festive atmosphere of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

【统筹】谢琼 隋胜玮
【编导/文案】罗杨鸿 谢琼
【翻译/校对】甘颖 陈炽明 饶梅芳

编辑 甘颖  二审 谢琼  三审 查九星

