栏目:海外传播 来源: 发布:2024-08-19


Yi Torch Festival, ethnic minority cultural towns, vast highland meadows......all these can be found in Liupanshui, Guizhou, located in western China! Under China’s mechanisms for east-west cooperation, Zhongshan, Guangdong, has offered paired assistance to Liupanshui in various aspects such as industry and tourism. Liupanshui’s unique natural tourism resources also attract a large number of visitors. Come along with Jerry and explore the "Cool Capital of China"!


【策划/编导】谢琼 罗杨鸿


【翻译/校对】甘颖 饶梅芳 Jerry


编辑 黄艺杰  二审 谢琼  三审  陈慧

