To seize the historic opportunities in the new era presented by the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link, which opened to traffic recently, Zhongshan is opening its door on the east bank of the Pearl River to the globe. These efforts aim to showcase Zhongshan's vast opportunities and substantial industrial landscape to attract more high-quality enterprises to invest and establish their presence here, and to continuously stimulate the vitality of Zhongshan's high-quality development. The city will host 2024 Zhongshan Global Investment Promotion Conference on July 30, 2024.
【统筹】陈慧 廖薇 谢琼
【编导】廖薇 甘颖
【素材来源】投资中山 中山发布
编辑 甘颖 二审 廖薇 三审 林志强