From July 13 to 14, the 10th Kite Tournament of Guangdong Province was held in Nanlang, with nearly 100 athletes representing 16 teams from across 10 cities, including Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhongshan and Zhuhai, participating.
7月13至14日,广东省第十届风筝锦标赛在南朗街道举行,比赛共设4大类(传统、现代、运动、表演 )共10个项目,来自广州、深圳、中山、珠海等10座城市16支队伍,近100名运动员参加。
On July 20, the two-day Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Zhongshan Kite Culture Exchange Show will also be held. During the show, kite lovers will showcase their exquisite kites and exceptional skills. The history of Nanlang Pansha Kites, the unique characteristics of kites in different regions and kite-making techniques will be introduced to the audience. In addition, an interesting luminous kite show will take place at night.
【统筹】陈慧 廖薇 谢琼
【编导/翻译】廖薇 甘颖
编辑 甘颖 二审 廖薇 三审 苏小红