ZS Supports Youth Entrepreneurship from HK and Macao
栏目:海外传播 来源:中山+ 中山市海外传播中心 发布:2024-06-13

Recently, the “Macao-Zhongshan Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Park” in the Cuiheng New District has launched workshops targeted at Hong Kong and Macao youth. In its initial phase, the park provides over 1300 government services and more than 40 talent services, with a total of 56 shared office spaces and 8 independent offices in the incubation area.


Zhongshan is the only prefecture-level city in Guangdong province with two bases included in the provincial-level Hong Kong and Macao Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Bases. These are “E-Park” (the GBA Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Platform) and the “Macao-Zhongshan Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Park”. Zhongshan offers “three exemptions” policy, including exemption from venue rental, property management fees, and basic entrepreneurship service fees for Hong Kong and Macao youth. In addition, the incubated projects can enjoy one-on-one entrepreneurship mentoring services, as well as basic consultation and government agency services related to policies, education, housing, social security, and healthcare.


So far, Zhongshan has established over 40 entrepreneurship incubation bases and Hong Kong-Macao innovation and entrepreneurship bases, all fully open to the youth from Hong Kong and Macao, incubating a total of over 350 projects from Hong Kong and Macao.


【统筹】陈慧 廖薇 明剑
【编导/翻译】廖薇 甘颖 
【素材来源】中山日报 你好青年融媒工作室(摄制:陈家杰)

编辑  甘颖  二审 廖薇 三审 林志强

