中医知多D | 体验非遗“毫火针”技术,温度高达800°C,老外惊呆了
栏目:海外传播 来源: 发布:2024-06-10


On the evening of June 9th, the TCM-themed night market held by the Zhongshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine opened. Joe, a British teacher living in Zhongshan, came to experience the intangible cultural heritage of “red-hot needle therapy.” How did he feel about this experience? Let’s find out together!

【出品】拉姆的白大褂朋友x 中山市中医院



【翻译/校对】甘颖 饶梅芳



编辑 黄艺杰  二审 谢琼  三审  苏小红

