Discover Zhongshan丨法国没有集体婚礼?记者慕名来中山采访!
栏目:海外传播 来源:中山+ 中山市海外传播中心 发布:2024-05-20

太甜啦!5月20日,20对新人牵手誓约,永结百年之好。这场人才集体婚礼同时吸引了法国电视一台的记者前来采访,为啥他们会关注中山这场集体婚礼?一起来磕糖。#Discover Zhongshan

On May 20th, 20 newlywed couples held hands, recited their vows, and embarked on their journey of happy marriage. This collective wedding also drew the journalists from Television Francaise 1 to cover. Why are they interested in this collective wedding in Zhongshan? Come and join us for this romantic wedding. #Discover Zhongshan

【校对】饶梅芳 林锦雯

编辑  甘颖  二审 谢琼  三审 程明盛



原创 13077人浏览   2025-01-20
10945人浏览   2025-01-20