AI+LIFE HACKS丨The 107th Xiangshan Study Opens in ZS
栏目:海外传播 来源:中山+ 中山市海外传播中心 发布:2024-05-07

During the May Day holiday, the Xiangshan Study once again saw a peak in visitors, with many citizens choosing to spend their leisure time in the Xiangshan Study with their families and friends. On May 2nd, the 107th Xiangshan Study in Zhongshan was inaugurated and opened to the public in Zhongshan Overseas Chinese Park. The study is located within a three-story modern white building and features a reading salon area, outdoor activity area, and a book bar. It houses approximately 10,000 books, including around 230 titles on Overseas Chinese culture.

“五一”假期,香山书房再次迎来客流高峰,不少市民选择携亲伴友在书房中听雨度假。5月2日,中山市第107家香山书房在华侨公园落成开放,该书房设在一幢白色现代风格三层建筑内, 设有阅读沙龙区、户外活动区和书吧,书房配置图书约有1万册, 其中华侨文化主题书籍约230册。

On the day of its official opening, renowned host Dou Wentao attended as the first lecturer of the Xiangshan Salon, sharing reading experiences with avid readers.


【统筹】陈慧 廖薇 明剑
【编导/翻译】廖薇 甘颖 

编辑  甘颖  二审 廖薇 三审 陈浩勤

