AI+LIFE HACKS丨Celebrating "World Book Day"
栏目:海外传播 来源: 中山市海外传播中心 发布:2024-04-18

As "World Book Day" approaches, Zhongshan recently issued the "Three-Year Action Plan for Improving the Quality and Efficiency of National Reading Campaign (2024-2026) of Zhongshan", proposing multiple specific measures. Through the activities including entering villages, homes, communities, schools, government agencies, enterprises, and systems, it aims to ensure that national reading activities can cover people from all walks of life. This includes not only encouraging the establishment of reading venues such as Xiangshan Study and rural libraries but also advocating for mobile library services, promoting local publications to reach villages, and ensuring a more equitable distribution of reading resources. On April 20th, a series of activities of the 22nd Zhongshan Reading Month will kick off at the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Library, with nearly 500 reading cultural events such as lectures by renowned speakers scheduled to take place.

随着“世界读书日”的临近,日前,中山市印发了《中山市全民阅读提质增效三年行动计划(2024—2026)》,提出了多项具体举措,通过实施全民阅读进乡村、进家庭、进社区、进学校、进机关、进企业、进系统等“七进”行动,确保全民阅读活动能够覆盖到各个层面的人群。这不仅包括鼓励建设香山书房、农家书屋等阅读阵地,还倡导开展流动图书服务,推动本土出版物进村下乡,让阅读资源更加均衡地分布。4月20日,第二十二届中山读书月系列活动将于中山纪念图书馆启动, 名家讲座等近500场阅读文化活动陆续亮相。

【统筹】陈慧 廖薇 明剑
【编导/翻译】廖薇 甘颖 

编辑 甘颖  二审 廖薇  三审 吴森林

