AI+LIFE HACKS丨Tree-planting activities in March
栏目:海外传播 来源:中山+ 发布:2024-03-15

On March 12th, Zhongshan celebrated the 46th National Tree Planting Day with voluntary tree-planting activities to support the ecological construction of Green Beauty Guangdong. Approximately, 26,000 trees were planted on that day. In recent years, the urban and rural environment of Zhongshan has been continuously optimized, featuring a series of projects branding the Green Beauty Zhongshan. 

According to a report of the National Greening Commission, China stepped up its greening efforts last year with 3.998 million hectares of forest planted. The country also restored 4.379 million hectares of degraded grassland and treated 1.905 million hectares of sandy and stony land.



【统筹】陈慧 廖薇 明剑

编辑   廖薇 二审   明剑  三审  岳才瑛

