栏目:海外传播 来源:中山日报 发布:2023-09-29

中秋节也被称为“月饼节”,大大圆圆的月饼,象征着团圆。中国的月饼除了在国内销售,还远销世界各地。近年来,中山每年出口数百吨月饼,出口量位居全国第一,跟着Mole 一起来探访中山的月饼厂。

The Mid-Autumn Festival is also known as the Mooncake Festival. Mooncakes, round and plump, signify family unity. Chinese mooncakes are not only sold domestically, but also exported worldwide. In recent years, Zhongshan has been exporting hundreds of tons of mooncakes annually, making it the top exporter of mooncakes in China. Let's go check it out in a mooncake factory in Zhongshan with Mole.


【制作】中山日报 中山市海外传播中心


【监制】徐小江 程明盛




【翻译/校对】甘颖 饶梅芳

编辑 黄艺杰 二审 谢琼 三审 程明盛

