老外@中山 | 来“国际博物馆日”广东主会场中山,感受“魅力香山”
栏目:小榄 来源:中山+ 中山市海外传播中心 发布:2024-05-17

参观博物馆,是在短时间内了解一座城市的过去、现在与未来的最佳方式。中山市博物馆新馆于两年前建成,参观总人数超过100万人次。日前,波黑女孩塞尔玛特意来到中山市博物馆打卡,这次参观,让她感受到中山的文化多样性与开放性。“海外中山人几乎遍布全世界,包括我的祖国波黑,这座城市与世界的联系如此紧密。” 今年“国际博物馆日”广东主会场活动就设在中山,5月17日至18日,这里将会举办一系列精彩活动。“让我们在中山博物馆再次相遇吧。”

Visiting the museum is the best way to quickly understand the past, present and future of the city.  The new building of the Zhongshan Museum opened two years ago. Since then, one million people have visited it. Selma from Bosnia and Herzegovina just visited the Zhongshan Museum Complex recently. What surprised her was from the exhibitions, she learnt that the Zhongshan people are all over the world, including her own country. “This city has such a close connection with the rest of the world.” The 48th “International Museum Day” is coming up, the main event of Guangdong will be held in Zhongshan. On May 17th and 18th, there will be loads of fun activities. Selma is looking forward to visiting the Zhongshan Museum again.

【文案/翻译】廖薇 甘颖
【设计】蔡文强 陈思理

编辑  甘颖  二审  廖薇   三审  向才志



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