栏目:乡村振兴 来源:中山+ 中山市海外传播中心 发布:2024-05-17

今年2月份,26岁的郑雅雯从香港搬到中山,在B站开设账号,开启自媒体博主生活。她分享“港人北上”“湾区生活”“粤语”等标签,短短两个多月时间,已吸引超过6万粉丝关注。其中,《香港妹子搬到内地居住竟然选择这个城市? 网友:不是吧?》,单条视频播放量高达85万次。郑雅雯说,中山让人放松,她能够更轻松投入到视频创作中。

This February, 26-year-old Callcall moved from Hong Kong to Zhongshan, opened an account on Bilibili,  and embarked on a life as a vlogger. She shares information on “Hong Kong visitors traveling to Chinese mainland,” “life in GBA,” and “Cantonese.” In just over two months, she has already attracted more than 60,000 subscribers. Among  her videos,  the one titled “Why Did This Hong Kong Girl Choose This City in Chinese Mainland to Live in? Netizens:  No Way!” has  garnered an impressive 850,000 views. Callcall said that Zhongshan  offered a relaxing environment,  allowing her to immerse herself  more easily in video creation.

【制作】中山日报 中山市海外传播中心
【摄像/后期】盖刘宝  罗杨鸿
【翻译/校对】甘颖 饶梅芳
【片头素材】夏升权 缪晓剑 黄艺杰

编辑  甘颖  二审 谢琼  三审  向才志

