2024年中山小榄菊花会以“潮起湾区 花香菊城”为主题,于11月29日至12月18日举办。恰逢今年是“1994年甲戌小榄菊花大会”30周年,中山市小榄镇借此机会,通过举办大规模的菊花会,进一步彰显“中国菊艺之乡”的文化魅力。
12月12日,小榄菊花会现场迎来了一位特别的游客—加拿大驻广州总领事贝加德Behzad Babakhani。他与大家一同赏菊,感受悠久的小榄菊花文化,促进中加文化交流。
贝加德的西装领子上别着一支小小的枫叶胸针。枫叶,是加拿大的象征。而眼前的菊花会盛况,让他不由联想到家乡的枫叶节。“菊花会和枫叶节都是将人们聚集在一起,让大家在美丽的大自然中共度美好的一天。” 他表示:对于加拿大与中国而言,文化交流非常重要,两国人民通过亲身体验彼此的节日文化,能够加深彼此的相互理解。“两国关系是建立在人与人之间的真实联系之上的。”
Zhongshan Showcases Chrysanthemum Charm to Canadian Consul General
The 2024 Xiaolan Chrysanthemum Fair, themed "Rising Tide at the Greater Bay Area, Floral Fragrance at the Chrysanthemum Town", is held from November 29 to December 18. With a history spanning over 200 years, it is one of the most anticipated annual folk cultural events in Zhongshan. This year, the 188-meter “Lucky Dragon”set the Shanghai China Guinness Record as the “The Longest Dragon Installation Made of Flowers”.
On December 12, Mr. Behzad Babakhani, the Consul General of Canada in Guangzhou,attended the event in person, admiring the chrysanthemums and immersed himself in the rich cultural heritage of Zhongshan. He said: "The cultural exchanges is such an important part of the bilateral relationship between Canada and China. We need people to come and see these festivals, so that we could understand each other better. With chrysanthemums and maple leaves beautifully intertwined, the cultural bond between the two nations blossoms brilliantly on this vibrant event."
【采写/翻译】实习生 周欢 记者 廖薇
【出镜主持】实习生 周欢
【图片/摄像】见习记者 盖刘宝
【素材】 刘万杰
编辑 甘颖 二审 廖薇 三审 林志强