老外@中山 | 英国老外中山“治未病”,到底治的是什么病?
栏目:融媒工作室 来源:中山日报 发布:2024-12-15


Expat Experiences "Preventive Treatment" in TCM

Joe, who is from the UK, has just come across the concept of “preventive treatment” in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for the first time. Curious about what kind of diseases it aims to address, Joe visits the Zhongshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, where he undergoes TCM constitution assessment, experiences TCM treatment methods, explores the innovative “integration of body and mind”, and discovers how TCM emphasizes "prevention before the onset of illness."

【制作】中山市海外传播中心 中山市中医院
【编导】罗杨鸿 见习生方馨娉
【翻译/校对】甘颖 饶梅芳 实习生周欢
【通讯员】黄琳 赵浩然

编辑 黄艺杰   二审 谢琼   三审 吴森林

