Discover Zhongshan丨芬兰世界冠军又来中山“起龙”
栏目:推荐 来源:中山+ 中山市海外传播中心 发布:2024-05-25


“我叫Jyrki Luomala,出生于芬兰。”据悉,这位“外援”来头不小,曾参加过五次国际龙舟世锦赛,并获得过两枚金牌。这是他第三年参与南下的“起龙”仪式。“我热爱划龙舟,尤其是和我的队友们一起,他们乐观有趣, 同时也是优秀的运动员。” 他表示,目前该队已经开始备战6月10日的比赛。

World Champion from Finland
Attracted by Dragon Boat Race

The Dragon Boat Race of Shiqi is a provincial-level intangible cultural heritage event in Guangdong, China. As the Dragon Boat Festival is around the corner, the 2024 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhongshan) Dragon Boat Invitational Tournament and Zhongshan Dragon Boat Culture Month will last from May to June.

The annual dragon-boat-raising ceremony of Nanxia village of Shiqi was held on May 25th.  The traditional 80-man boat team of Nanxia has maintained an impressive record of ten consecutive championships in the Zhongshan dragon boat race.

Jyrki Luomala from Finland is also a member of this team. He has been in the world dragon boat championships for 5 times ,with two gold medals. It is his third year to join the dragon-boat-raising ceremony with the team. “I love the dragon boating and especially our teammates. They are happy, funny guys, but also good athletes.” Currently, they are training for the  competition held on June 10th.

【统筹】廖薇 李红 谢琼
【拍摄】易承乐 盖刘宝

【设计】陈思理 夏升权

编辑  廖薇   二审  谢琼   三审  陈慧

